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Whiskey Barrel Aged 250g

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Known for its full-bodied and robust taste, with a smooth, creamy texture and a slightly sweet finish; our Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee makes a perfect choice for a coffee connoisseur and whiskey lover.

Fermented in aged whiskey barrels; this process imbues the coffee with rich, complex flavors and aromas, including notes of oak, vanilla, caramel, and whiskey. 

Espresso / Aeropress / Moka Pot / Pour Over / French Press / Channi

Whiskey barrel-aged coffee is a type of coffee that is aged in whiskey barrels. The coffee beans are aged for a period of time, typically several weeks to several months. During this time, the coffee absorbs the flavours and aromas of the whiskey that was aged in the barrel before. This imparts a unique flavour profile to the coffee, with notes of whiskey, oak, vanilla, and caramel.

The coffee beans are then roasted to create a coffee that is rich in flavor and aroma. The final product is a coffee that has a unique and complex flavor profile that is different from traditional coffee. Some coffee experts also say that whiskey barrel aged coffee can have a more balanced and creamy body.

Whiskey barrel aged coffee is a great option for coffee lovers who want to try something different and unique. It can be enjoyed black or with a touch of milk and sugar. It is a perfect option for those who love to experiment with new flavors, and for those who are looking for a coffee with a unique whiskey flavor.

Overall, whiskey barrel aged coffee is a unique and delicious way to enjoy coffee that offers a unique and complex twist to the traditional coffee experience. It's a perfect option for those who are looking to explore new and exciting flavors in their coffee and for those who love the taste of whiskey.

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